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Persistence and Change of Chinese Teaching in General Education
作者 洪如薇
「教育部全校性閱讀書寫課程推動與革新計畫」在105學年度邁入另一個嶄新的階段,隨 著計畫團隊走了一千多個日子,筆者對通識國文教學的定位亦有所思索與釐清,朝著落實計畫核心精神與實現教學目標努力。本文檢視了個人教學軌跡,據此分享在「生命教育融入國文教學, 促進學生語文素養」的前提下,通識國文教學的三個堅持與新變:其一,堅持透過主題式的課程選文,引導學生借鑑前人智慧;其二,堅持透過持之以恆的課堂書寫活動與閱讀討論,培養學生 的閱寫能力;其三,堅持教師共備課程與教案,合作交流。堅持之外,課程選文原則有所新變, 朝著古今文本對讀的模式開展;教學現場的學習模式有所新變,以分組合作取代個別學習;參考 CDIO的內涵,協助學生將理念轉化為具體行動以利己利他,自我實現,也是筆者通識國文教學的新嘗試。
“READING AND WRITING EDUCATION PROGRAM” changed the teachers' teaching philosophy of Chinese in universities. We rethink what Chinese teaching in terms of teach and how to teach it to help students who are not masters of HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. After five years of trying, I believe that the teaching of Chinese should adhere to three principles: First, the Life education into the Chinese literature curriculum. Second, to develop students' reading and writing skills. Third, teachers design courses together and help each other. In addition, there are three changes in the Chinese Teaching in General Education: First, under the same theme, both the vernacular and the classical Chinese are selected so that the Chinese language proficiency of the students will be better. Second, in the class to take “The Cooperative Learning”. Third, reference the“CDIO” theory to help students turn good ideas into concrete action.
起訖頁 11-18
關鍵詞 國文教學通識教育生命教育 Chinese TeachingGeneral EducationLife Education
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201612 (25期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 通識理念與實踐——以「圖書演進與文化嬗變」課程為例
該期刊-下一篇 竹枝詞在通識課程中的運用




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