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Investigating influences of parents’ adoption on the prevention of myopia for children in Taipei County
作者 沈希哲陳政友 (Cheng-Yu Chen)劉婉柔黃世欣盧玉玫蔡宛珊謝雅萍
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of parents’ adoption on the prevention of myopia for children using the cross-sectional survey. The sample school in Taipei County was non-randomly assigned based on the main purpose of the study. There were 230 samples who were parents of the first grade students in the sample school in 2007. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The scores of the mechanism of myopia development and the knowledge to prevent myopia for children were not good enough. Furthermore, the level of parents’ adoption on the prevention of myopia for children was the moderate level and still had to make great progress. 2. Participants who answered “Knowledge of myopia prevention” were influenced by the following factors: whether the mother of the child suffers from myopia, SES (The family’s social/economic status), and the child’s academic records were emerged significant difference. Participants “School children’s perceived susceptibility to myopia” were influenced by the following factors: whether the parents of the child suffers from myopia were emerged significant difference. Participants “School children’s perceived severity to myopia” were influenced by factors such as the child’s academic records were emerged significant difference. Participants “School children’s perceived benefits of taking action to myopia” were influenced by factors such as SES were emerged significant difference. Participants “School children’s perceived barriers of taking action to myopia” were influenced by the following factors: whether the mother of the child suffers from myopia, and SES were emerged significant difference. Participants “Taking prevention for school children’s myopia cue in action” were influenced by factors such as SES were emerged significant difference. Participants “Self- efficacy in myopic prevention for school children” and “adoption myopic prevention measures for their children”were influenced by factors such as the child’s academic records, and SES. Participants that: “Knowledge of myopia prevention”, “School children’s perceived severity to myopia”, “School children’s perceived benefits of taking action to myopia”, “Taking prevention for school children’s myopia cue in action”, are highly “Self- efficacy in myopic prevention for school children”, has encountered few “School children’s perceived barriers of taking action to myopia”, have a higher tendency to adopt myopic prevention measures for their children. 4. Participants following factors: “Knowledge of myopia prevention”, “Health belief in myopic prevention for school children”, “Taking preventative for school children’s myopia cue in action”, “Self- efficacy in myopic prevention for school children” and “the Demographical variables” could explain 42.7 % of the variance. Of them, “Self- efficacy in myopic prevention for school children” is the most important predictors.
起訖頁 83-110
關鍵詞 健康信念模式學童近視預防自我效能學童近視預防行為家長health belief modelself- efficacypreventive measures for child myopiaparents
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 200812 (28期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
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