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A Study on First Aid Education Intervened 1 ST Grade and 2ND Grade students in Elementray School in Yi-Lan
作者 陳清惠 (Ching-Hui Chen)黃麗珠李菊芬林美聲
The major purpose of this study was to explore effect of first aid education that was intervened 1 st and 2nd grade pupils in elementary school. This study adopted a cross sectional correlated design participant via self-reported questionnaires. The qualified 1 stand 2 nd grade pupils in two elementary schools at Yi-lan County in Taiwan in 2006 were the target population of this study, there were 99 valid samples. Pretest had been done before intervention, helped to understand participants' backgrand, as evaluated foundation of intervened effect. Posttest had been done after intervention, helped to understand this study's effect. These data were collected and analyzed by a statistical program with SPSS10.0/Windows. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. There were 55 boys and 44 girls among 55 1 st grade and 44 2nd grade participants. 68 participants had injured experience from last semester to intervention, 91 participants had never studied first aid course. 2. An average of 4.29 subjects was correct answer in pretest. The 9th subject had a lowest correct answer rate (1 7.2%).'When the wound suffers an light injury, the principle of wound management is' (1)to keep a clean and dry wound, but have 51.5% choose (3)to disinfect the wound and then stop bleeding. The 5th subject had a highest correct answer rate (76.8%),' The first action of burn management is: (2)to flush the wound'. 3. An average of 5.6 subjects was correct answer in posttest. The 9th subject had a lowest correct answer rate (20.2%).“When the wound suffers an light injury, the principle of wound management is '(1)to keep a clean and dry wound, but still have 59.6% choose (3)to disinfect the wound and then stop bleeding. The 2nd subject had a highest correct answer rate (81.8%). 'When the sports injury happened, It should be to take a rest right away; meanwhile, how will you care the wound?(3) to take a cold compress' 4. The average rate of correct answer in pretest was 43.14%. The average rate of correct answer in posttest was 56.66%. It showed correct answer rates raised obviously, there was significantly (p<0.001). 5 The participants' basic data 'sex, grade, had injuried, had studied first aid education' in pretest and posttest all were no significantly difference. This study result showed intervention of first aid course can raised the participants' abilities of emergency care effectively and as references that draws up a campus safe education plan and designs course.
起訖頁 79-91
關鍵詞 急救教育課程低年級學童First Aid Education CoursePupil of 1 st Grade and 2nd Grade in Elementary School
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 200712 (27期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 以歐洲經驗導入台灣未來推動健康促進醫院之建議
該期刊-下一篇 青少年健康促進議題——青少年性教育之探討




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