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Effects of Self-Management program on Epilepsy Patients
作者 葉美玉梁淑華
目的: 本研究目的主要在評價自我管理計畫對癲癇病患的成效。方法: 分三階段進行, 第一階段由神經科門診主治醫師轉介, 經受訪病人書面同意, 以半結構式訪談指引評估病患自我管理計畫。 第二階段以自我管理計畫為概念架構, 設計癲癇自我管理衛教教材。 第三階段舉辦衛教講座及經驗分享, 採單組前後測的類實驗法設計, 於參與衛教講座及經驗分享前後, 評價自我管理計畫的成效。結果: 個案的自 我管理計畫, 包括發作預防管理、 發作管理、 日 常生活管理三個面向。 其內涵包括養成長期規律的服藥習慣, 採取計畫性表露病情 (planneddisclosure), 以取得較佳的人際對待與社交情境。 衛教講座及經驗分享對患者的自我效能人生態度面向有正面的影響。建議: 為提升患者的生活品質, 醫療服務體系應提供自我管理計畫, 協助患者滿足需求。
Objective:The objective of this research is to evaluate the effects of self management program on epilepsy patients. Methods: This study was subdivided into three phases. The epilepsy patients, who were referred by the neurology outpatient clinic and had signed inform consent, were guided to learned self-management program by a semi-structured interview guide in the first phase. The second phase was planned to design health education materials for epilepsy patients based on the concept of self-management. The third phase is to provide a lecture of health education and sharing experiences. A one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was then used to evaluate the effects of the self-management program. Results: The epilepsy patients' self-management program include seizure prevention, seizure control and life management. It comprises forming a habit of regular medication, taking planned disclosure, and gaining better interpersonal relationship and social contact. The health education program was also helpful to their self-efficacy and positive life-attitude. Suggestion: To improve life quality, health care facilities should provide self-management program to meet the epilepsy patients' needs.
起訖頁 47-62
關鍵詞 癲癇自我管理計畫自我效能epilepsyself-management programself-efficacy
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 200712 (27期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市高中職校春暉專案對學生有助益性反毒活動之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以歐洲經驗導入台灣未來推動健康促進醫院之建議




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