英文摘要 |
Since the Statute of Monopolieswas passed and enforced in UK, the Intellectual Property(IP) regime has played a significant role in the market structure of Knowledge Economy from the Industrial Revolution era to the Internet era. However, it remains an important issue for the IP scholars to research that whetherthe IP regime which was rooted in the Lockean age is still justified in the complicated and changinglntemet age. This article tries to find an answer via acareful reexamination of Lockean property theory. Firstly, this article raises that the non-rivalrousness and the Knowledge Spillover Effect are the two intrinsic characters of intellectual goods which are differentiated from the characters of Res Corporales in the analytical framework of Lockean property theory. Secondly, this article creatively conducts areverse analysis of the free-riding of IP whthin the standard framework of Lockean theory andpoints out that the non-rivalrousness of intellectual goods partly justifies the free-ridingof IP under some special conditions. Thirdly, this article analyses thewell-known case of Millar v. Taylor within the framework of Lockean property theory and points out that the knowledge spill-over effect of the intellectual coxnmonscould justify the restriction of the scope of IP objects and the reservation of public domains. Besides, this article analyses the changing trend of the using frequency of word of 'Intellectual Property' duringl 1800~2000 A.D. and proposes thatthe relationship between Lockean property theory and the justification of IP is rather a dynamic historical connection under the background of the signature of TRIPS and the trend of the Economic Globalizaiton than a static logical connection. Finally, this article points out that the emphasis of the right of access and the connection of nodes in the architecture of the Internet composes of a huge challenge to the right of property and its exclusive character within the traditional framework of Lockean property theory, which is exactly the tension of Open Innovation in the Internet age and the Intellectual Propertywhich was rooted in the traditional Lokean property theory's age. |