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Reflections on Professional Collaboration: Social Workers’ Perspectives of Counseling Psychologists’ Practice in the Field of School Guidance
作者 游以安姜兆眉
This study aimed to investigate professional practice of counseling psychologists who worked at Student Counseling Center at the level of county and city by interviewing seven school social workers. Based on the research findings, the researchers made recommendations for professional collaboration. The results included: (1) compared with social workers, counseling psychologists gained the upper hand in being recognized in school system; it had been a challenging task to differentiate professional roles of counseling psychologists from that of school social workers. (2) From school social workers’ perspectives, counseling psychologists exceled in analysis of client’s psychological issues and case conceptualization. However, they had their limitations in connection with family dynamics, family systems, and resources networking for clients. Additionally, counseling psychologists with systemic perspectives collaborated with social workers to develop programs in the community and to get connected with medical resources for the purpose of improving clients’ welfare. (3) Negative factors of ineffective professional collaboration arose from (a) a lack of communication between social workers and counseling psychologists, (b) counseling psychologists’ overemphasis on structured working model, and (c) a difference in understandings of boundaries and confidentiality between two. (4) School social workers were expected to be able to provide services of remedial counseling, a part of job overlapping with that of counseling psychologists’ work. Over time, therefore, school social workers had been equipped with counseling competencies. (5) Professionals should be aware that there could be possibility that the Student Counseling Center will be closed down. The researchers concluded: (1) Counseling psychologists need to understand the roles of social workers at Student Counseling Centers and to be responsible to bridge the gap of professional collaboration. (2) Systemic perspectives and professional collaboration competencies are needed to be incorporated into training programs of counseling. (3) Counseling psychologists and social workers at Student Counseling Center need to follow the regulations of confidentiality and boundaries of the Ethic Codes for Student Guidance Practice. (4) Counseling psychologists need to be aware that professional roles in school are changing and shifting. Implications for counseling practice, training, and future research were presented.
起訖頁 053-074
關鍵詞 諮商心理師社工師學校輔導工作專業合作counseling psychologistssocial workerschool guidanceprofessional collaboration
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201611 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 缺角的學校諮商輔導工作:適應欠佳學生「親職支持外展方案」的行動研究經驗
該期刊-下一篇 高風險家庭國小女童參與性侵害預防團體諮商方案之影響研究




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