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The Influence of the Counseling Group Project on Sexual Abuse Prevention─Case Study on Female Elementary School Students in High-risk Families
作者 邱意婷翟宗悌
The purposes of this research aimed to design a counseling group project about sexual abuse prevention for female elementary students in high-risk families and to explore whether the project could enhance participants’ positive self-assertiveness and self-help. By reviewing the relevant literature on sexual abuse and its prevention projects and by executing the two pilot studies to form the group projects, the goals were set to increase the participants’ self-awareness, self-expression, self-protection and self-assertiveness. The fifteen 50-minute group counseling sessions were led by two female advanced graduate students of counseling twice a week. Without a contrast group, the participants were five fourth grade female students selected from the family risk assessment form. This study adopted semi-experimental and mixed research method. As for quantitative part, the data were collected from the participants’ Elementary school Student Self-concept Scale before and after group counseling, and then they were analyzed with bootstrapping method. In terms of qualitative part, the data were collected from the interviews with participants and their teachers before and after group counseling. What’s more, the observational record of the leaders in the group was taken into consideration in this research. The qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis, and then quantified them. The results showed that the project met the needs of children in high-risk families who desired to be cared for and to be noticed. It also enhanced their self-concept and made them think about the importance of asking for help actively. Moreover, the participants changed significantly and positively in self-assertiveness, interpersonal relationships, and asking for help and helping others. It showed that this counseling group project could enhance the participants’ self-concept and made them attach the importance of disclosure of sexual victimization. The improvements of interpersonal relationship made children expand their interpersonal resources. Therefore, this project might reduce the occurrence and recurrence of child sexual abuse.
起訖頁 075-099
關鍵詞 性侵害高風險家庭國小女童團體諮商high-risk familiesfemale elementary school studentssexual abuse preventiongroup counseling
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201611 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 助人專業合作的鏡映與省思:從社工師觀點看諮商心理師於學校輔導場域的專業實踐




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