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Defective School Counseling: Action Research Experience of “Parenting Support Outreach Program” for Students’ Maladaptation
作者 沈慶鴻
The research presented researcher’s experience of 2007-2014 offering assistance for the Ministry of Education in promoting an outreach program which explained that school counseling, under the framework of “parents-inclusive” ecological concept, could improve parent-teacher collaboration but also effectively resolve the issues of students’ maladaptation through coordination between schools and community institution. Action research process was employed in the study, which found out that the advocacy of the concept that ‘offering assistance to parents would be conducive to changing students’ gained the recognition from schools. The ongoing process of the program proved the existence of school’s needs for assisting parents, what’s more, it upheld the integrity and effectiveness of the students’ counseling including the services of parents. Homeroom teachers’ home visits significantly enhanced effectiveness in the cooperative relationship among institutions. Meanwhile, the parents’ attitude toward the outreach were positive. Reduction of parents’ resistance was evidenced by the unlabeled connection, strength, and empowerment approach. Nevertheless, the process costs ample time to establish relations and to exchange ideas among institutions and to integrate workers from different professional levels for the purpose of fruitful and positive collaborative results.
起訖頁 025-052
關鍵詞 外展親職協同合作學校諮商輔導collaborationoutreachparentingstudent guidance
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201611 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 善了!心理諮詢師在離婚調解中的服務敘事
該期刊-下一篇 助人專業合作的鏡映與省思:從社工師觀點看諮商心理師於學校輔導場域的專業實踐




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