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Good Ending! The Divorce Mediation Narratives of Psychological Consultants
作者 翟宗悌王佩辰鄔佩麗
台灣的離婚夫妻可透過家事調解在第三者協助下解決衝突,家事調解有多種的服務模式與不同 背景的調解員,但少有研究針對心理輔導諮商背景的調解員。本研究焦點即是此背景且使用心理諮 詢模式之調解員(以下稱為諮詢師)。我們訪問三位在台北地方法院家事法庭服務超過九年的諮詢師, 分別為一位男性兩位女性,以瞭解受訪者如何解讀夫妻從禮堂走進法庭的過程,及他們如何在諸多 限制下協助案主並能長期不輟。本研究採用著重時間、空間與互動脈絡的「敘事認同分析」( the analysis of narrative identity),形成受訪者的服務敘事。結果顯示:受訪者認為婚姻步向消解的過程 個人累積了許多受傷感,需適當的安撫才能停止累積,但訴訟無助於此;諮詢師在個別諮詢時著重 安撫案主受傷的情緒,他們借用夫妻原有的感情與回憶幫助案主自癒,減少迴避而有勇氣面對對方, 再於雙方會談促進雙方溝通產生善意。諮詢師不為修復訂下目標而是跟著案主的決定走,並在團體 督導中獲得夥伴的支持轉而能支持案主,再流轉成案主對對方的善意,形成正向循環,故能持續服 務。最後作者針對離婚調解及心理輔導諮商專業在不同社群的應用提出反思。
Conflicts arising from divorce could be settled down with the aid of family mediators. There are various models of family mediation in Taiwan. However, few studies focused on the analysis of the mediators with a background of guidance and counseling. As a consequence, this study focused on narratives of family mediators(psychological consultants) with a background of guidance and counseling and with adoption of psychological consultation models. One male and two female consultants who had worked in the domestic court of Taiwan Taipei District Court for more than 9 years were interviewed with an eye to collecting their interpretation about their clients’ divorcing process from ‘going down to aisle’ to ‘going down to court’ and to exploring how they maintained their continuance in offering assistance to their clients under quite a few limitations. The analysis of narrative identity was adopted because of its emphasis on the interrelation among time, space and relationship contexts. The results of the study indicated that three participants held the perspective that unmet expectations in marriage yielded one’s accumulated hurt feelings, which can only be alleviated by time rather than a lawsuit. The consultants devoted themselves to soothing the consultees’ hurt feelings in individual consultations. Three consultants took advantage of divorcing couple’s existing affection and pleasant memory between the two for the purpose of stepping up the consultee’s self-healing and therefore, the possibility of avoidance decreased and the consultee, over time, built up courage to face their partner. Afterwards, in the following couple meetings, both parties of a couple were encouraged to communicate with each other and found out the goodwill of the other. It is the consultee instead of the consultant that makes the decisions about their future and the meaning of recovery from divorce. The support that consultants rendered to consultees comes from supportive peers in the supervision group and then the support was turned into the goodwill that the consultees gave to their partners; that is, a virtuous circle was formed and circulated among the consultants, the consultees, and their partners. In conclusion, the implications of divorce mediation and the applications of guidance and counseling in various communities were discussed.
起訖頁 001-024
關鍵詞 心理諮詢家事調解輔導諮商離婚consultationcounselingdivorcefamily mediationguidance
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201611 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-下一篇 缺角的學校諮商輔導工作:適應欠佳學生「親職支持外展方案」的行動研究經驗




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