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NIC on the performance of reading comprehension, value judgment and writing skills in fourth-grade students
作者 閻瑞珍 (Ruey-Jen Yan)
本研究旨在探討國小學童實施讀報教育之學習後,其閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力的狀況,探討讀報教學對國小四年級學童閱讀理解能力和價值判斷力之影響,及讀報教學對國小四年級學童寫作能力之影響。 本研究以彰化縣埔心鄉某國小之四年級二個班級的40位學生為研究對象,所使用之報紙為國語日報,採用準實驗研究法,為「不等組前後測設計」。為有效取得研究所需資料和進行實驗,以回答問題和論證假設,本實驗採用立意取樣,在研究者所教的五個班級中,抽取兩班程度相當:智力相當、家長社經地位相當、月考成績帄均分數相當的學生進行研究,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。 研究者先進行閱讀理解能力之前測,前測試卷為研究者經專家審核的自編測驗,後測試卷使用柯華葳、詹益綾所製作的『國民小學(二至六年級)閱讀理解篩選測驗』,以及由研究者與另二位專精寫作教學之教師批改學生作文,作為寫作能力之前測處理,後測亦由研究者與兩位專家批改學生作文;再由研究者從報章雜誌選取適合學生閱讀之文章,讓實驗組接受每週一次,每次兩節課,共八十分鐘的「讀報教學」之實驗課程,共進行十二週教學活動,控制組則無進行。 主要研究結果如下: 一、本研究發現國小四年級學童的閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力評量前測表現不甚理想。 二、本研究結果發現國小四年級學童的閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力的後測表現達顯著效果。 三、閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力評量具有良好的評分者信度。
This study was designed to investigate the implementation of primary school students reading newspaper (were taught NIC), their reading comprehension, writing skills, and value judgment situation. In this study, author chose two classes of 40 students as the research participants in Pusin Township, Changhua County. The use of the newspaper is a Mandarin Daily News, and the use of quasi-experimental study is "before and after the test group ranged Designs". The author taught five classes, choosing two classes which were in the same considerable intelligence, socio-economic status of parents fairly, and month test results fairly average score to study. There are two groups; one is experimental group, and the other is control group. They all had pretest and post-test. The author selected articles from newspapers and magazines for students to read, so the experimental group received two classes: a total of eighty minutes of experiments course of "teaching newspaper" every week, and a total of twelve weeks teaching activities. Control group did not participate in these two activities. The main findings are as follows. First, the study found that pretest is not ideal.Second, the results of the post-test performance are significant.
起訖頁 083-110
關鍵詞 讀報教學閱讀理解能力寫作能力實作評量價值判斷力NICreading comprehensionwriting skillsperformance Assessmentvalue judgment
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201612 (37期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 責任、回應與愛的教育:Levinas他者倫理學之啟示
該期刊-下一篇 教學反思與幼兒教師專業成長:以教學日誌為例




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