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Teaching Reflection and Preschool Teacher Professional Growth: A case study of teaching journal
作者 梁佳蓁
教學日誌,是幼教師每日必須撰寫的工作,它賦予省思的內涵,提供教師敏於察覺 自己的教學行為,促進教師思考、檢討教學、改進策略,使教師成為一位更有思想的教 育專業人員。尤以幼兒圜教師而言,其教學工作屬於包班制,日復一日繁瑣的教學工作, 經常的很容易關在自己的教室,處於孤軍奮戰的孤立情境。幼教師肩負幼小孩子的照顧 與教育工作其責任重大,更加凸顯幼教師進行教學反思之重要性。本文首先以文獻分析 法耙梳教學反思的意義及內涵,接著透過教學日誌及訪談資料的資料蒐集、整理、歸納、 分析。研究結果發現,幼教師工作繁鎖、教育照護幼兒的時間長,加上國內有關師資培 育及在職進修教育,普遍缺乏「反思能力培養」的課程引導老師價值澄清、批判反省, 從不同的觀點與角度檢視自己以建立良好的道德、信念、態度。有鑒於此,建議將教學 反思納入教師教育課程並能改善幼教師工作環境提供更多的時間與空間進行專業對話, 藉此增進教師對於「反思」有更深層的理解、促進教師專業成長。
Teaching journal is what preschool teachers have to do every day. It provides teachers with a sensitive feel in their teaching behavior to promote teachers' thinking, teaching review and the policy improvement, making teachers become professional teachers. Especially to preschool teachers, who teach all classes (package shifts), complicated teaching environment keeps them in an isolated situation on a daily basis. Preschool teachers have the responsibility to take care and educate the children, showing that preschool teaching reflection is very important. The paper first used literature analysis to properly arrange the meaning and connotation of "teaching reflection", and then summarized and analyzed collected data from teaching journal and interviews. Study shows that preschool teacher's work is complex and they need to take care of children for a long time. In addition, current education and training cannot make them thoroughly understand the nature of the reflection, so that the teaching journal failed to give full play to the effectiveness. Suggestion is use 'Teaching Reflection' to strengthen teacher education and -127- training, ameliorate the working environment of teachers, and provide more time and space to implement the professional dialogue, promoting teachers to understand the importance of Teaching Reflection to improve teachers' professional growth.
起訖頁 111-128
關鍵詞 反思教學反思教學曰誌幼兒圜教師教師專業成長reflectionteaching reflectionteaching journalpreschool teacherteacher professional growth
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201612 (37期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 讀報教育對國小四年級學童閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 從Charles Taylor「反結構」概念探討 現代社會價值教育的重構




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