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The Education of Responsibility, Responsiveness and Love: In the Light of Levinas' Other Ethics
作者 鄭惠觀洪如玉 (Ruyu Hung)
本文主要分為幾個部份來探究:首先要探討Levinas倫理學中重要概念Il y a的狀態, 藉由Levinas對Ilya狀態的描述對應目前的教育現象,提供讀者瞭解Ilya狀態,也提 醒從事教育工作的人員應該要正視這些現象所發出的訊息。其次說明他者才是脫離Ilya 狀態的最佳途徑。在傳統思維中強調自我的概念是會落入Il y a的恐慌狀態,真正去面 對他者他異性存在的事實並為他者負責才能獲得真正完整的主體性。接著則是說明面容 是他者呈現自身的方式,面容同時具有權威也是脆弱的表現,因此面容雖然是命令卻也 是求救的呼喚。面容是言說的方式,不需透過所說而傳遞訊息,這樣的言說具有無限性, 而我因著面容的言說而欲望著他者,他者的無限性也正是我無法化約的部分。最後本文 經由他者倫理學的內容詮釋所獲得的啟示,建立一種「責任、回應與愛的教育」來面對 目前的教育現象,企圓走出教育的另一種可能。
This paper aims to discuss the relationship between people in education. Levinas points out that when we encountered the face of the other, we have responsibility for the other. In this paper, We attempt to find another way of education: the education of responsibility, responsiveness and love. Overall, this paper is composed of six parts: at first we want to discuss the state of Il y a. There are many states of Il y a in education phenomena. We need to face the calls from education phenomena. Secondly we talk about the best way to escape the Il y a is the other. If we can take the responsibility for the other, we can renew our subjectivity –the ethical ‘I’. Then we explain the face as revelation. It is through the face that we get to know the other. The face has the power to oblige and it is also weak to call for help. The face of the other means infinite, and the infinite is desirable. The infinite can’t be in me. At last, in the light of Levinas' Other Ethics, the authors will propose an alternative way of education: the education of responsibility, responsiveness and love.
起訖頁 057-082
關鍵詞 他者倫理學陎容回應責任LevinasOther ethicsIl y aFace, LoveResponsivenessResponsibility
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201612 (37期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 Jeff Malpas地方哲學對地方教育的啟 示:以「走讀嘉義」課程方案為例
該期刊-下一篇 讀報教育對國小四年級學童閱讀理解能力、價值判斷力和寫作能力之影響




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