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篇名 |
Jeff Malpas地方哲學對地方教育的啟 示:以「走讀嘉義」課程方案為例
並列篇名 |
Jeff Malpas’ Philosophy of Place and Its Implications for Place Pedagogy: Take the Curriculum Project of “Exploring Chiayi” as an Example |
作者 |
陳佳萍、洪如玉 (Ruyu Hung) |
中文摘要 |
本文以澳洲哲學家Jeff Malpas的地方哲學為主軸,進行地方教育實踐的對照與探究,並以嘉大附小走讀嘉義課程方案進行現象詮釋,期從Malpas的哲學觀點,對於地方教育有所啟發。 Malpas地方哲學關注互為主體性、現象詮釋以及經驗參與三大面向,本文以走讀嘉義課程方案進行探究與爬梳,獲得以下幾項結論:一、如同Malpas地方哲學的空間、時間、主體、客體論述一樣,人們需要更寬廣的理解地方教育意涵;二、如同Malpas地方哲學強調時空交錯、互為主體,地方教育的實踐需要更多元的詮釋;三、如同Malpas地方哲學所強調的行動與參與,地方教育需要更多感的參與。此外,走讀嘉義課程方案現象與詮釋後發現,地方教育需要參與者更有智識、更有深度的行動,身體映像和聯合共有都是地方學習應該要關注的焦點。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper discusses Jeff Malpas’ philosophy of place, and a case study, “Exploring Chiayi,” is introduced in order to understand how a curriculum project of place education is practiced. “Exploring Chiayi” is interpreted in a way of phenomenological hermeneutic, and the researcher intends to reinterpret “Exploring Chiayi” from the philosophical perspectives of Malpas. Firstly, Jeff Malpas’ philosophy of place is explained. Secondly, “Exploring Chiayi” is presented and reconstructed through Malpas’ philosophy of place. Malpas’ place philosophy is to emphasize the intersubjectivity, phenomenological hermeneutic and place experience.There are three conclusions: 1. Due to the multiple dimensions of Malpas’ concept of space, time, subject and object in place education, teachers have to expand the place meaning in order to develop the place pedagogy; 2. Teachers have to learn that in place pedagogy, time is also an important factor that needs to be concluded to gain a multiple and rich interpretation while instructing place pedagogy; 3. Teachers have to increase the place actions in order to deepen the sense of place. Finally, after the empirical practices of “Exploring Chiayi,” teachers have to expand on body images and common sense in place pedagogy. |
起訖頁 |
033-056 |
關鍵詞 |
地方感、地方教育、走讀嘉義課程方案、Jeff Malpas、Malpas, sense of place、place pedagogy、Curriculum Project of “Exploring Chiayi” |
刊名 |
嘉大教育研究學刊 |
期數 |
201612 (37期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
利用海洋科普知識進行愛護環境、尊重生命與永續發展之價值教育 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
責任、回應與愛的教育:Levinas他者倫理學之啟示 |