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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Values education of caring for the environment and respecting for life and sustainable development through marine popular science knowledge |
作者 |
盧姿里 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在利用海洋科普知識進行價值教育,以培育學生成為具備愛護環境、尊重生命和永續發展的價值觀與批判思考能力的公民。以少年矯正學校學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究法進行「海洋科普知識課程」融入基礎生物科目中,研究工具為海洋科普知識量表、海洋生態保育態度問卷與學習單。 研究結論為:一、利用海洋科普知識課程進行的價值教育可提升學生生態保育態度和海洋科普知識;二、價值教育可引發愛護環境、尊重生命與永續發展等價值觀的高層次思考;三、價值教育可引發尊重多元與同理關懷的價值觀;四、價值教育是有價值導向而無法價值中立的。最後,建議設立價值教育資料庫,鼓勵教師融入各科教學,及未來研究可擴展到性別平等或人權等十二年國教重大議題的價值教育。 |
英文摘要 |
The aim of this study was to utilize the marine popular science knowledge as values education to cultivate our students to become the citizens who possess the values of caring for the environment and respecting for life and sustainable development and critical thinking ability. It adopted the quasi-experimental research method; the participants were the students of Juvenile Correctional School, and it conducted the curriculum of marine popular science knowledge integrated into the course of Basic Biology. The tools were the scale of marine popular science knowledge, and the questionnaire of marine ecological conservation attitude and learning sheet. The major findings of the study were listed as follows: 1)values education could enhance students' marine ecological conservation attitude and marine popular science knowledge; 2)values education could evoke the higher-order thinking ability of caring for the environment and respecting for life and sustainable development values;3)values education could induce the values of respecting for diversities and caring and empathy; 4) values education was value-oriented and could not be value neutral. Finally, the suggestions were to establish values education database and encourage teachers to integrate values education into their teaching subjects, and the future research could extend values education to the important issues of 12-year compulsory education such as gender equality education or human rights education. |
起訖頁 |
001-032 |
關鍵詞 |
海洋科普知識、愛護環境、重生命、永續發展、價值教育、marine popular science knowledge、caring for the environment、respecting for life、sustainable development、values education |
刊名 |
嘉大教育研究學刊 |
期數 |
201612 (37期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
Jeff Malpas地方哲學對地方教育的啟 示:以「走讀嘉義」課程方案為例 |