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From the Organizational Operations to Explore the Development of Institutional Citizen Journalism in Taiwan: Using Four News Organizations as Examples
作者 林宇玲
This study adopts multiple methods to examine four different-operated citizen websites of news organizations in Taiwan, in order to understand the development of institutional citizen journalism. It finds that structural factors of news organizations (such as orientation of the company, ownership, production model, staffing, etc.) will affect the design and operation of citizen websites. On the surface, no matter what size of company, four news organizations accord with the ideal of citizen journalism- citizens have the right of access to media and the freedom of expression, they allow citizen journalists to publish their news without editorial review. Based on the actual operation, news organizations separate the citizen journalism from professional journalism; once entering the professional field, citizenproduced news is still edited by professional editors. Moreover, news organizations also try to use a variety of means (e.g., education training, incentives, etc.) as implicit ways to affect the performance of citizen reporters. Therefore, the development of citizen journalism within a news organization, citizen reporters are to some extent still subject to the "brand" of and institutional procedures of the organization.
起訖頁 91-143
關鍵詞 公民新聞學制度化公民新聞學專業實踐媒體守門匯流文化citizen journalismconvergence cultureinstitutional citizen journalismmedia gate-keepingprofessional practices
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201504 (123期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 民國報業的壟斷問題--成舍我的思考與反省
該期刊-下一篇 探索氣象預報「失準」之爭議報導:非專家與專家對氣象科學與科學家角色的認知差距




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