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Literatures Review of Traditional Chinese Medicine about Epiphora
作者 吳孟霖徐培倩張家禎王宏銘 (Hung-Ming Wang)
Epiphora is an overflow of tears onto the face. There are various causes for the appearance of epiphora, which may include faulty apposition of the lacrimal puncta in the lacrimal lake, paresis of the orbicularis muscle or obstruction of the lacrimal drainage system. Most of these conditions are not vision-threatening, but patients often find tearing a serious problem causing blurred vision, skin irritation and ocular discomfort embarrassment. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long and rich history, and is one of the oldest retained medical systems. The earliest description about epiphora can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. In this study, we tried to review the cognition of traditional Chinese medicine to the disease cause and pathogenesis of epiphora from ancient literatures or textbooks. We found that supplement liver blood, enrich the liver and kidney, supplement qi and blood, resolve exterior evil are the most common therapeutic principle. The study could be a reference for the implementation of clinical application.
起訖頁 53-62
關鍵詞 溢淚症迎風流淚冷淚文獻中醫Epiphoracold tearing on exposure to windcold tearingreview articleTraditional Chinese Medicine
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201609 (19:2期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 貼敷配合針灸治療缺氧性腦病變小兒消化吸收不良之臨床研究
該期刊-下一篇 「妊而不產」--明清醫籍對於鬼胎的認識




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