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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Theoretical and Experimental Study of an Indoor Particle Transport Model at the Working Sites
作者 鍾基強李忠庸陳友剛葉文裕
室內環境的惡化現象已隨著國人生活水平的提升而漸漸浮現,尤其在工商業急遽發展的今日,室內污染源的種類已日趨複雜,然而有關室內污染源之擴散分析研究卻付之闕如。本研究即針對此一問題進行探討,並完成污染物擴散模式之理論解析與電腦數值模擬,且在實驗驗証方面獲致良好的結果。本研究成功地提出室內速度場、溫度場及空氣污染物之擴散預測成果。關於數值計算方面,特別引用了Cloud-in-Cell Method,此方法解決了渦旋強度場在Largrangian 與Eulerian座標系統之間轉換上的困擾,及渦旋、污染粒子之流動速度的計算問題。屬預測型態之駐留時間理論(residence time theory)的介紹與應用,有效地解決多污染粒子擴散分析上的複雜特性。為解決室內環境的污染問題,首先須確認污染物之種類及來源,透過本研究所發展之精度良好的電腦模擬程式,可瞭解污染物的擴散形式,再配合通風手段以解決室內污染問題,以提升室內空氣品質。
As the living standard promoted, the indoor environment pollution problems became serious. However, the research related to the analysis of transport of indoor air contaminant particles was limited. This report provided the theoretical analysis of transport phenomena and computer simulation of air contaminant particles. An experimental study was conducted to verify the accuracy of numerical models. The residence time theory simplified the characteristics of transport of air contaminant particles.The temperature, velocity and paths of air polluted particle were successfully predicted. The cloud-in-cell method solved the problem of vortex intensity transfer. In order to overcome the pollution problems inside an indoor environment, recognized the pollution sources and prediction of the contaminant particle distributions were the preliminary works. With accumulation of the knowledge from the preliminary works, the appropriate ventilation system design being able to remove the air contaminant particles to improve the indoor air quality would complete the solution of the problems.
起訖頁 19-36
關鍵詞 污染物擴散駐留時間通風室內空氣品質air contaminant particle distributionindoor air qualityresidence timeventilation
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199510 (3:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清潔車作業勞工安全裝置改進之研究
該期刊-下一篇 荔枝果農施藥後農藥暴露量評估




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