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From External Alchemy to Internal Alchemy: The Transition of Two Metaphysics
作者 蕭進銘
This article consists of four sections. The first section aims at probing the use of the history of cinnabar in traditional China and the intrinsic meaning of the use of cinnabar. The second section explores the content and nature of external alchemy. We find the most important purpose of external alchemy is to grasp the basic strength of the universe. The metaphysics of external alchemy could be called experimental metaphysics. The third section aims at probing the content and nature of internal alchemy. We also find the most important purpose of internal alchemy is to grasp the basic strength of the universe. The metaphysics of internal alchemy could be called mystical metaphysics. The biggest difference of external alchemy and internal alchemy is method and material. The last section compares the similarities and differences, and advantages and disadvantages, of experimental metaphysics and mystical metaphysics. We think mystical metaphysics is superior to experimental metaphysics. We can obtain important enlightenment from the exploration of the metaphysics of internal alchemy.
起訖頁 31-71
關鍵詞 丹砂內丹外丹實驗形上學體證形上學CinnabarInternal AlchemyExternal AlchemyExperimental MetaphysicsMystical Metaphysics
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200606 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 《太清金液神丹經》與《馬君傳》
該期刊-下一篇 陸西星的丹道與易道




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