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Taiqing jinye shendαnjing and Mαjun zhuan
作者 曾達輝
After the barbarian invasions in the Western Jin dynasty, libationers who had migrated to southern China compiled the new scriptures of the Way of the Celestial Master, incorporating the writings and legends that circulated in the south at the time. This new collection included two major writings: Majun zhuan (Biography of Lord Ma), based on Shenxian zhuan (Biographies of Immortals) and Ge Hung's collection of writings on alchemy, and Lingbao wufu (The Five Talismans of Lingbao ), based on Lingbaojing (Scripture of Lingbao). These two writings were given to Taoist followers in the south by the son of Wei Huacun, a famous libationers of the time, and then had a strong influence on the Shangqing Revelation. During the Tang-Song transition, the section on alchemy in Majun zhuan was put together with two narratives written by Ge Hung into Taiqing jinye shendanjing (Scripture of the Divine Elixir of the Golden Liquor of the Great Purity).
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 葛洪《神仙傳》《靈寶五符》《馬君傳》《太清金液神丹經》天師道Ge HungShenxian zhuanLingbao wufuMajun zhuanTaiqingjinye shendanjingWay of the Celestial Master
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200606 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 從外丹到內丹--兩種形上學的轉移




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