英文摘要 |
Taiwan has been a multicultural society. However, since 1945,Taiwan’s law making has been based on one nation (which is the Chinesenation). During the 1990s, the rising of multi-nations and multiculturalismhas lightened up hope for indigenous law making. Article 10 Clause 12 ofthe Amendment of the Constitution and Article 34 of the Indigenous BasicLaw are the ground rule for indigenous rights, to stabilize indigenous rightsand re-position the relationship between indigenous peoples and the state,state shall establish a sound legal system for indigenous peoples in consultwith international standards of indigenous rights. However, indigenouslegal system and the state law have two different law cultures, whenindigenous law contradict the state law, which law culture comes first? Tobe able to stand morally and politically, the definition of indigenous rightsmust contain two law cultures. Hence, this paper tries to find out the newdirection for establish indigenous legal system by examining the principle ofestablish indigenous legal system in the process of indigenous law making. |