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Chinese Language Teaching in Germany: Looking at Pre-Service Chinese Language Teacher Education from Outside Taiwan
作者 林欽惠
目前國內關於華語文師資培育的研究多集中於教學理念、專業能力、課程模式等方面,從教師自身角度探討海外實習的研究相對較少,且多集中於亞洲地區。本文擬針對臺灣教師的海外實習情況提供另一種視角,對此一群體在德國大學教學時所遭遇的 困難進行初步探索與分析。首先,本文將針對目前德國中小學以及大學的中文教學概況與師資組成情況進行介紹,接著就一項針對20位赴德國六所大學中文系/漢學系任教之臺灣實習教師的調查進行探討。根據調查結果,筆者建議未來臺灣的華語師資培育應加強跨文化交際能力、外語教學能力以及對中國的理解三方面的訓練。
Most previous studies on pre-service Chinese language teacher education in Taiwan focus on local training. They mostly discuss pre- service teachers’ teaching belief, the development of professional skills, training program curriculum design, etc. In contrast, this study aims to provide a different perspective on pre-service Chinese language teacher education by exploring the actual working situation of pre-service Chinese teachers at German universities. In the first part, a general overview on Chinese language teaching in Germany will be offered. In the second part, we will explore the working situation of pre-service Chinese language teachers on the basis of a survey on 20 Taiwanese pre-service Chinese language teachers who did their internship at six German universities. The findings of this study suggest that three issues that have arguably received insufficient attention in discussions on pre-service teacher training in Taiwan: (1) the importance of intercultural communicative competence, (2) competences in using a foreign classroom language, (3) understanding of Mainland China (society, history, language use, etc.). These issues should receive more attention in Chinese language teacher training programs in Taiwan.
起訖頁 67-98
關鍵詞 師資培育國別化教學海外實習Pre-service Chinese language teacher educationcountry- specific teachingoverseas internship
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201606 (12期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 體驗式教學法於初級商務華語教學中的應用
該期刊-下一篇 英語母語者習得中文能願動詞「要」之研究




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