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L2 Acquisition of the Mandarin Modal Verb YAO by L1 English Speakers Jen-i Li, Miao-Ling Hsieh
作者 李臻儀謝妙玲
本研究檢視了漢語能願動詞「要」的語意特性,並分析了中央研究院平衡語料庫及一以線上寫作測驗方式收集語料所建構的中介語語料庫,以探討英語為母語之學習者習得「要」的情形。「要」的用法根據它的情態意義可分為三種類型:認知情態、參與者內部情態及參與者外部情態。本研究主要發現有二:(a)表參與者內部情態的「要」最常出現於二語語料中,其次為表參與者外部情態的「要」,使用頻率最低的為認知情態的「要」; 此二語習得過程與一語習得過程及語法化的過程相符合。(b)表參與者內部情態的「要」之使用率隨著學習者的能力增加而降低,而表參與者外部情態的「要」之使用率則隨著學習者的能力增加而升高。本研究進一步將「要」的偏誤分為四種類型:遺漏、誤加、取代、錯序,並以分析結果為據提出教學上的啟示,結果顯示在教學實務上,母語對學習者的影響需加以注意,而學習者本身漢語知識的不足也會導致偏誤的發生。希冀本研究的發現及偏誤分析可以對以漢語為第二語言或外語的教學有所貢獻。
This paper examines the meanings of the modal verb yào in Mandarin Chinese as well as the acquisition of yào by L2 adult learners whose L1 was English, using data from the Academia Sinica corpus and a learner corpus. The modal meanings of yào were categorized into three types--epistemic, participant-internal, and participant-external. Major findings were: (a) the participant-internal yào was the most frequently used in the L2 data, followed by the participant-external yào and then the epistemic yào, which is consistent with the process of L1 acquisition and grammaticalization; (b) the rate of use of participant-internal yào decreased with the learners’ proficiency level while that of participant-external yào increased with proficiency level. Four types of errors, omission, addition, mis-selection and misordering, were analyzed. The analysis reveals that both the learners’ L1 and their having inadequate knowledge of Mandarin had important effect on their learning Mandarin as a second or foreign language.
起訖頁 99-132
關鍵詞 能願動詞「要」二語習得中介語語料庫漢語英語modal verb YAOL2 acquisitionlearner corpusMandarinEnglish
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201606 (12期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 德國中文教學概況——師資培育的海外視角




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