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Buy from Us. And Buy from Us.' (U 13.1124): Joyce, Modernity, Aesthetics of Negativity
作者 林玉珍
Stemming from the same etymology, literary modernism and modernity were nonetheless considered to be divorced from each other, primarily because aesthetics was conventionally posited on high culture, thereby excluding popular culture that constitutes modernity. In response to this problematic, this tri-part essay adopts cultural studies in conjunction with close reading to explore the way James Joyce constructs an aesthetics of negativity in the course of representing modernity and consumer society in colonial Ireland. Part one analyzes the mode of human relationship which characterizes modernity in Dublin, and inspects the strategy and ideology inherent in consumer logic. Part two explores the way Joyce appropriates the idiom of advertisement to negatively expose the lack embedded in the sophisticated, quasi-'organic' form employed to portray the reification of human relationship and the romantic imagination in consumer culture. Part three considers Joyce's aesthetics of negativity in the context of colonial Ireland to uncover its political content and to repudiate F. R. Leavis's critique of Ulysses for its lack of an 'organic principle.'
起訖頁 189-230
關鍵詞 喬伊斯現代特質消費文化廣告負面美學《尤利西斯》〈瑙西卡〉James JoyceModernityconsumer cultureadvertisingaesthetics of negativityUlysses'Nausicaa'
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200311 (6期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 渥滋渥斯的「家住葛拉絲湖」與地方意識
該期刊-下一篇 文學.「運動」.文化:勞特訪談錄




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