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華語文教學研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Compiling a Chinese Academic Wordlist Based on an Academic Corpus
作者 劉貞妤 (Chen-Yu Liu)陳浩然楊惠媚
由於華語學習的熱潮,來臺攻讀學位或進行交換的國際學生大幅增 加,華語學習者有可能需要閱讀或撰寫學術文章,對中文學術詞彙學習與 輔助工具建置的需求因而增加。有鑑於中文學術詞彙的整理與詞表編纂較 為少見,本研究自10 大類的人文社會科學類中,收集1,000 篇學術文章, 共約900 萬字,根據詞頻及文本分布率編纂了包含2,405 筆詞語之「中文 學術常用詞表」,其中有1,376 筆詞語同時分布在10 大類學科中。本研究 也將本詞表與TOCFL 詞表比較,發現有557 個詞語未收錄於TOCFL 詞 表,建議根據文本分布率或兩詞表收錄之同/近義詞,挑選合適詞語加入 TOCFL 詞表以增加豐富性。本研究亦建議未來可將本詞表應用於學術寫 作輔助、教材編輯、學習工具設計等面向。期研究成果可提供華語教學者、 研究者、教材編輯者之學術詞彙參考。
With more people learning Chinese as a second/foreign language around the world, the number of international students in Taiwan for further degrees or exchange programs has increased greatly in the past few years. Many of them need to read or even write academic articles in Chinese, which leads to the increasing need for the learning of Chinese academic words and the design of learning tools. Due to the scant compilation of Chinese academic wordlists, the current study was carried out to compile a Chinese Academic Wordlist, which was comprised of 2,405 words frequently occurring in a 9-million-word corpus of 1,000 academic journal articles. Comparison between the Chinese Academic Wordlist and the TOCFL wordlist identified 557 words not covered in the TOCFL wordlist, and inclusion of some of the 557 words in the TOCFL wordlist was suggested based on the concepts of dispersion rates and symnonyms. In addition, the current wordlist can also benefit (1) the learning of academic writing, (2) the compilation of teaching and learning materials of academic writing, and (3) the design of academic word learning tools. It is hoped that the provision of this wordlist can improve the quality of teaching and learning of Chinese academic words, and serve as a useful reference for Chinese educators, researchers, and material writers.
起訖頁 043-088
關鍵詞 語料庫學術詞彙學術詞表華語學習高頻詞彙corpusacademic wordsacademic wordlistsChinese learninghigh-frequency words
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 201606 (13:2期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 不同語言類型的潛在影響:以日籍學習者對於漢語複合趨向事件表述之認知為例
該期刊-下一篇 新加坡雙語小學生的優勢語言




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