中文摘要 |
培瑞克(Georges Perec, 1936-1982)所寫的短篇紀事〈逃家地點〉("Les Lieux d'une fugue,"寫於1965年;1975年發表),一般被歸屬於自傳文類當中特有的童年敘事。學者加斯冠(David Gascoigne)以此先決的分類觀點作為準則,探究其中所採取的多重書寫策略。他指出該文若即若離,如何與一般童年敘事保持著互文性的關係,並有意偏離了傳統童年敘事文在主題方面所強調的成長啟蒙意義。然而,這或許只是對這篇作品的讀法之一。筆者以為可以調整或拉寬閱讀視角,至少開拓三種可能的路徑:一者即如上述,但重新探討傳統自傳文類的偏離問題,二者視其為另類的城市漫遊文學,三者檢驗現實與書寫之間的相會、揣摩與悖逆。在這三者之間,從議題性、從社會和時代性、從符號與現實的指涉關係等切入,我們將嘗試跨接的論述可行性。 |
英文摘要 |
"Les Lieux d'une fugue," or "The Places of a Run-away," by Georges Perec is generally classified as an autobiographical childhood story, and it is just upon such a basic viewpoint that David Gascoigne wrote a thesis about it, with an intention to study the departure of this story from the conventional theme of moral initiation or spiritual epiphany. Nevertheless, "Les Lieux d'une fugue" can be read otherwise. So here we propose to explore from at least three directions: the first will begin with a summary of Gascoigne's thesis in order to find out its weak points; the second is to consider "Les Lieux d'une fugue" as a special kind of "Walk in the city" literature; and finally, it is also necessary and instructive to compare the real life of the author and the written part, since it is above all an autobiographical work. Thus, by the theme, by the socio-historical context, and by the indiciality between words and things especially linked with an urban world, we will try to enlarge critical discourse with so many "topics" (topoi) about this short story of a run-away/Fugue. |