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eeking Refuge from Air Raids and Politics: Go-playing of Wu Xinrong
作者 陳文松
戰爭時期(1931-1945)的日本帝國,麻雀與圍棋等室內社交娛樂活動在「國策」下,命運截然不同。本文探討:一,「時局下」臺灣人日常生活中,與在臺日人相較,圍棋普及程度如何?二,臺灣人在此艱困的「時局下」,向在臺日人學下圍棋或愛好圍棋者不減反增,其動機又是為何?戰後初期政權轉換過程中,圍棋在臺灣人的日常生活中,又扮演著何種角色?1940-1948 年之間,圍棋這項「室內社交娛樂」是正值壯年的吳新榮最熱衷的活動,因此,從其個人圍棋經驗(日記)的剖析,有助於回答上述問題。綜合本文研究:一、吳新榮從 1940 年學習下圍棋所欲了解的「人」,顯然直指地方「當局」的在臺日人。二、在二戰期間,燈火管制和躲空襲成為「忙中偷閒」下圍棋的最佳時機。尤其在妻子突然去世之後,圍棋成為吳新榮或獨處、或與摯友相處時的最佳排遣。三、為了逃避戰後的政治紛亂而深居簡出,與老友重聚下圍棋,成為邁入初老且罹患高血壓的吳新榮最大的享受。
In Japanese colonial Taiwan between 1931 and 1945, board games like Mahjong and Go (碁) had different fates under Japan’s “national policy.” This paper explores three related issues: the popularity of Go among both Taiwanese and Japanese in Taiwan during the wartime years; factors that motivated a growing number of Taiwanese in that period to learn Go-playing from the Japanese; and the role of Go in the daily life of Taiwanese during the change of regime in the early postwar era. The exploration focuses on the personal experience/diaries of Wu Xinrong, a Taiwanese doctor whose favorite social entertainment between 1940 and1948 was Go-playing. The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis. First, Wu Xinrong started to learn Go-playing in 1940; and by playing the game with Japanese authorities in Taiwan, he tried to discern their mindsets regarding colonization. Second, Go-playing was the best pastime during blackouts and air raids in the Second World War. In particular, after the sudden death of Wu’s wife, this game became his means to escape loneliness and to interact with his close friends. Third, in the postwar years, Wu sought refuge from political disturbances by avoiding contact with the outside world; while playing Go with his old friends became his most cherished enjoyment, particularly as he entered old age and experienced physical ailments.
起訖頁 121-153
關鍵詞 空襲圍棋(碁)吳新榮燈火管制Air RaidGoWu XinrongBlackout
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201603 (23:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 陳懷澄的街長公務職責與文人生活:以陳懷澄日記為論述中心(1920-1932)
該期刊-下一篇 「臺北州檔案」:日治時期鶯歌庄行政文書之概要與史料價值




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