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Life of Chen Huai-cheng as District Chief and Literatus: Review of His Diaries (1920-1932)
作者 李毓嵐
陳懷澄(1877-1940),彰化鹿港人,1902 年加入「櫟社」,1919 年9 月出任鹿港區長,隔年10 月轉任街庄改制後第一任鹿港街長,1932 年9 月底任期屆滿,前後擔任三任街長,主持街政達12 年,晚年不幸罹患失智症。依規定街庄長統理一街庄之事務,對外代表街庄,因此陳懷澄於鹿港街長任內負責督導預算擬定、賦稅徵收等事務,並定期與保正、總代、街協議會員開會,以完成上級交付任務。同時,由於地方百姓將街長視為父母官,所以排解糾紛、下情上達亦是他日常的工作。不過,街長的責任雖然重大,但實際行政事務處理幸有助役可以仰賴。公餘之暇,陳懷澄積極傳承漢學、出席詩會,休閒活動則以閱讀、收藏古董、書扇、篆刻、音樂等雅興為主。顯示其雖身為街長,但仍可以傳統文人的身分,舒展文化上的抱負。本文以陳懷澄留下之 16 冊日記為主要史料,另參考傅錫祺、林獻堂、張麗俊等時人日記與報紙,除探討陳懷澄在鹿港街長任內的公務活動與具體貢獻外,亦論及其文人生活,以明瞭傳統文人在殖民統治下如何兼顧理想與現實的生活樣貌。
Chen Huai-cheng (1877-1940) was born in Lukang, Changhua County. He joined the Oak Poetry Society in 1902 and took up the post as District Chief of Lukang in September 1919. After administrative restructuring, he became the first Chief of Lukang Street in October 1920. He had served three full terms in total and governed the district affairs of Lukang for 12 years until September 1932. Unfortunately, he suffered from dementia in his old age. As Chief of Lukang Street, Chen supervised administrative affairs such as budgeting, tax collection, meeting with patrol leaders (Pao-Cheng) and district chief representatives (Tsung Dei) to ensure that tasks assigned were accomplished. He also served as the magistrate settling disputes and reflected public opinions to higher authorities. Despite of his many and heavy responsibilities, he had helpful and dependable staff to share the workload. During his leisure, Chen learned Sinology enthusiastically and was actively involved in the Oak Poetry Society. His pastimes included reading, antique collecting, fan painting, engraving and listening to music. All these showed that while serving as Chief of Street, he had the ability and discipline to realize his aspirations as a traditional literatus. With reference to historical materials including diaries written by Chen and other literati such as Fu Hsi-chin, Lin Hsien-tang and Chang Li-chun as well as newspapers of that era, this study explored the activities and contribution of Chen during his terms as district chief. In addition, this study also examined his life as a literaus to understand how traditional scholars balance their personal goals with real-life responsibilities under colonial rule.
起訖頁 75-120
關鍵詞 陳懷澄鹿港街長傳統文人櫟社傅錫祺Chen Huai-chengChief of Lukang StreetTraditional LiteratiOak Poetry SocietyFu Hsi-chi
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201603 (23:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣貯蓄銀行之設立及其發展(1899-1912 年):兼論臺灣史上首宗銀行合併案
該期刊-下一篇 從躲空襲到避政治:日治後期到戰後初期吳新榮的圍棋戲




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