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Taihoku Prefecture Archives (1921-1945): Historical Value of Local Administrative Documents of Ohka Shoo in Japanese Colonial Taiwan
作者 玉置充子
日治時期臺灣地方研究迄今因欠缺第一手史料,以致不易積極展開研究。地方檔案與臺灣總督府檔案不同,如今倖存者鳳毛麟角。本文介紹的「臺北州檔案」是一套目前保存較為完整的日治時期地方檔案,是一個包括地方基層社會多方面內容的第一手史料,可供我們探討當時地方行政制度以及社會具體情況。臺灣總督府於大正 9 年(1920)實施地方制度改革,改原有的12 廳為5 州3廳,州下設置郡/市、街/庄,規定各級行政機關為地方公共團體,並容許具備有限度的自治機能。庄為當時地方行政系統中最基層的單位。「臺北州檔案」為臺北州海山郡鶯歌庄(今新北市鶯歌區與樹林區)役場自大正10 年至昭和20 年(1921-1945)約25 年間製作並保存的行政文書,雖稱作臺北州檔案,實為鶯歌庄檔案。共有187 冊、約6,000 件文件,為截至目前,保存冊數最多而內容最為豐富的街庄層次行政檔案,於2009 年正式開放後,卻至今猶未被充分利用。本文嘗試整理並解讀這套珍貴史料,介紹其來歷、內容、年代分布、數量、保存期限等概要,並討論當時庄治與地方社會教化等情況,最後指出其研究應用方向,如社會教化政策、產業史、教育史、地方行政史等,說明該檔案對於日治時期臺灣地方研究開展的可能貢獻。
Studies on local administration and local communities in Japanese colonial Taiwan are scarce due to a lack of primary historical materials. Unlike the well-preserved official documents of Taiwan Sotoku-fu, local administrative documents of the Japanese colonial era that survived till today are rare. The Taihoku Prefecture Archives (臺北州檔案) is one of the few. They are excellent materials for studying the local administration of Japanese rule in Taiwan and have a unique and high historical value. In 1920, the Taiwan Sotoku-fu implemented reforms of the local official system and granted limited autonomy to each local government unit. Shoo or Zhuang was the smallest local administration unit at that time. The Taihoku Prefecture Archives are in fact local administrative documents of Ohka Shoo (or Yingge Village) office in Taihoku Prefecture from 1921 to 1945, and have 187 volumes containing about 6,000 files. These archives have been made accessible to the public since 2009. Although they are nearly complete primary historical materials about a local community over a long duration and have covered many aspects of local administration of Taiwan under Japanese rule, they have never been studied in full detail. This paper introduces the outline of the Taihoku Prefecture Archives including their history, the contents of each file, and the classification of files according to their contents. Both local governance and social indoctrination in Ohka Shoo are then reviewed in the light of the archive documents. Potential applications of these documents for future research on Taiwan under Japanese rule including local industrial history, educational history and local administrative history are also suggested.
起訖頁 155-188
關鍵詞 臺北州鶯歌庄地方檔案街庄制社會教化Taihoku PrefectureOhka Shoo VillageLocal Administrative DocumentsMunicipal SystemSocial Indoctrination
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201603 (23:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從躲空襲到避政治:日治後期到戰後初期吳新榮的圍棋戲




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