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Factors Influencing User Acceptance of Social Commerce: A Perspective of Service Science
作者 賴佳吟洪新原 (Shin-Yuan Hung)
社群商務以顧客為中心,注重企業與顧客的關係以及服務的傳遞,並藉由整合兩者的資源與能力來共創價值。本研究以服務導向邏輯為基礎(Vargo and Lusch, 2004),以Callaway and Dobrzykowski(2009)提出的五個構面:新的服務機會、產品使用時間、顧客角色、資訊與目標的結盟、角色重新組合,來探討影響使用者接受社群商務之因素。以Facebook、Twitter、Plurk等社群網站的社群商務作為研究對象,透過問卷調查法收集有效樣本共457份,研究結果顯示:知覺玩興、知覺行為控制、功能性服務品質,涉入程度、互惠規範、信任和人際影響等變數皆確實對使用者對於社群商務的接受意圖有顯著影響。
The increased popularity of social media has led to a new type of business model, social commerce. Social commerce is a concept of merging online shopping and social networking. Social commerce has changed the way that a business provided products and services, and it has also improved the interaction between users and business to integrate their resources and skills for co-creating value. However, previous research neglects the understanding of user acceptance of social commerce. This study is to identify the factors that determine user acceptance of social commerce from the five dimensions of service dominant logic (Callaway and Dobrzykowski, 2009) (i.e. new opportunities, lifetime use, role of the customer, information and goal alignment, and actor re-combinations).A survey of social commerce users from Facebook, Twitter, and Plurk in Taiwan was conducted. Four hundred and fifty-seven usable responses were collected. The analytical results indicated that perceived playfulness, perceived behavior control, functionality service quality, involvement, norm of reciprocity, trust, Personal Influence are critical factors to significantly affect user acceptance of social commerce. Implications for academics and practitioners are also provided.
起訖頁 423-458
關鍵詞 社群商務資訊系統接受服務導向邏輯Social commerceinformation systems acceptanceservice-dominant logic
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201512 (17:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 馬斯洛需求理論為基之網路評論產品定位分析機制
該期刊-下一篇 考量營收分享合約與VMI機制之B2C網購平台經營模擬最佳化分析




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