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The Analysis of Qin Guan and the Study of Qin Guan Ci in Early Qing Ci-Comment Changduanju
作者 林宏達
In the Qing Dynasty, ci was revived by the poet and many poet had participate creating and criticizing, some part of that created the ci of Commentary ci. It is the important property of ci criticism between ci of Commentary ci, article of Commentary ci including note, ci collection, introductory, conclusion and poem of Commentary ci. Especially ci of Commentary ci and poem of Commentary ci that were by the verse way to discuss the deeds of poet, it is not the lengthy speech because of the length lesson had influenced by the literary style. Ci of the Early Qing Dynasty, the total 1,100 Ci-Comment Changduanju. Cumulative total is very rich. Among them, the discussion of Qin Guan's Ci-Comment Changduanju had eight ci, These writers were Song Wan, Wan Shu, Wang Du, Li Ji-yan, Jiao Yuan-xi, Sheng Ben-nan, Du Chao and Ling Ting-kan. This is a discussion of research Qin Guan ci, the use of the ci in the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty to understand people's views on Qin Guan.
起訖頁 61-83
關鍵詞 論詞長短句論詞詞秦觀清詞Ci-Comment ChangduanjuCi-Comment CiQin GuanCi of Qing Dynasty
刊名 止善  
期數 201606 (20期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 古琴何以成為儒學生活世界的器物之一?--從宋儒朱長文樂圃先生《琴史》論起
該期刊-下一篇 海上鱗族異者--章魚史話與書寫




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