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How Did the Qin Become Part of the Confucian Lifeworld?
作者 劉振維
Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, these four activities comprise the traditional way of life of the Chinese literati, with qin being listed first. Zhu Zhangwen wrote the History of the Qin, because at his time there were no comprehensive studies on the qin, as compared to calligraphy and painting. Thus the History of the Qin became the first comprehensive study of the qin, being frequently quoted throughout the following dynasties. It looks at qin from a Confucian perspective, seeing it as a means to transport Confucian tradition. Based on the life and work of Zhu Zhangwen this paper proposes to see him as a scholar committed to the Spring and Autumn Annals tradition within the Confucian tradition. Zhu Zhangwen writes the History of Qin from this perspective, stressing how the qin advances Confucian tradition, furthers a Confucian conscience and thus can play a role in the transformation of society, as proposed by early treatises on music. The paper discusses the subject from four perspectives: literati taste and its long term impact on society, self-cultivation and the ideal government of the sages Yao and Shun, the refined old qin sound correlating to the way of heaven and the creation of a new orthodoxy, defiance and the shaping of a literati musical instrument.
起訖頁 25-60
關鍵詞 朱長文古琴《琴史》儒學生活世界Zhu ZhangwenQinHistory of the QinConfucianismLifeworld
刊名 止善  
期數 201606 (20期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 越南北使與中越關係初考--以丁黎朝為例
該期刊-下一篇 試析清代前期「論詞長短句」論秦觀及其作品




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