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Vietnamese Emissaries to the North and Sino-Vietnam Relations
作者 耿慧玲
This paper asks how Vietnam could maintain autonomy without severing ties with powerful China in the north. Diplomacy is essential in this balance. Even during times of war, when Vietnam has gained the upper hand, records of the "Tribute Way" still reflect frequent visits by northbound Vietnamese embassies bearing tribute. These embassies must have fit certain criteria, since it would be unlikely for unlearned and untrained ambassadors to seek maximum advantage in negotiations. The question would be the criteria of selecting members of embassies to the north - would there be different thresholds in different historical contexts? This paper studies the context within which embassies were sent, and the identity of their members, in order to understand the changing circumstances and the different appointees in the history of Sino-Vietnam relations. This paper finds that the Đinh Dynasty, the earliest of Vietnam authority to exercise autonomy, mainly dispatched confidants of the emperor, which fall into two types: low level military commanders as embassies to the Chinese central government, as well as persons who hailed from the same geographical region as Đinh Bộ Lĩnh. This reflects that the Đinh Dynasty had a power structure that is deeply interwined with local clans, with a historical trajectory of centralization. This power dynamic continued down to the Tiền Lê Dynasty, whose earlier emissaries were primarily those who were sent to the Chinese central government under the Đinh Dynasty, with some others that were also low level military commanders or commanders and staff from military commissaries, conceivably imperial confidants as well. During the Lý Dynasty, when imperial examinations were administered, emissaries consisted mostly those who received credentials from the imperial examination. This shift continued down to the Hậu Lê Dynasty and the Nguyễn Dynasty, when all emissaries were mandarins trained in the Confucian curriculum. This paradigmatic shift speaks much about the change in the history of Sino-Vietnam relations.
起訖頁 3-24
關鍵詞 越南北使科舉中越關係VietnamEmissaries to the NorthImperial ExaminationSino-Vietnam Relations
刊名 止善  
期數 201606 (20期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 古琴何以成為儒學生活世界的器物之一?--從宋儒朱長文樂圃先生《琴史》論起




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