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Populism in Contemporary Taiwan: Forming Images of ‘The People’ Against ‘Others’
作者 黃昱珽蔡瑞明
Populism is frequently a keyword in critiques of Taiwan’s democracy. The goal of this paper is to determine the predominant theme of Taiwanese populism over the past two decades in an environment where two prominent populist leaders have promoted different modes of populism. According to recent analyses, the core idea of populism is imagination of community, which starts a rivalry between two groups--'the people' and 'others.' The authors point out the argument that Taiwan's populism was cultivated from the above is not sufficient in light of the social origin of the people's imagination. We also note that the emergence of social forces starting in the late 1980s and lasting into the 1990s made a significant contribution to the beginnings of Taiwanese populism. Two populist leaders enhanced these social forces via calls for political reforms and a sense of Taiwanese nationalism: Lee Teng-hui positioned Kuomintang Party conservatives as 'others,' while Chen Shui-bian combined the ideas of 'antiprivilege populism' and nationalism to label the KMT as consisting of privileged elites, corrupted politicians, and China advocates. This paper concludes that a continuous axis exists within Taiwanese populism despite the existence of different political actions.
起訖頁 127-163
關鍵詞 民粹主義民主政治共同體人民他者populismdemocracycommunities'the people'the 'others'
刊名 思與言  
期數 201509 (53:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從宗教團體自治檢討「辦理寺廟登記須知」的問題
該期刊-下一篇 論史學史研究中的常識與想像:以《通鑑》編纂史料兩條解讀為例




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