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The Review of "Conditions for Registration of the Temple" from the Religious Group Autonomy
作者 許育典蔡汶含
When religion meets law, that is religion as part of the administration, is more complex in our multi-religious environment. In addition to the draft of the Religious Groups Law, which is still in the review process, there is only "the temple ordinance" in the religion relevant laws currently. The rest are all executive order. When we questioned "the temple ordinance" is outdated, and proceed with the draft of the Religious Groups Law, all the executive order, which is as today's most important religious administrative legal basis, are often been ignored. Therefore, the Article will start with the Supreme Court 2006 No. 445 Civil Judgment, clarify the controversy associated with "the temple ordinance". And then this Article will build the guarantee of the religious group autonomy under the Constitution, which around the religious groups. Finally, go back to review the temple ordinance from the religious group autonomy.
起訖頁 87-125
關鍵詞 辦理寺廟登記須知宗教團體自治宗教團體宗教自由宗教團體法草案conditions for registration of the templereligious group autonomyreligious groupfreedom of religionthe draft of the Religious Groups Law
刊名 思與言  
期數 201509 (53:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 進—出宗教之間:臺灣新時代靈性實踐的分析
該期刊-下一篇 晚近臺灣民粹主義的發展:「人民」與「他者」想像的形成




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