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In and Out Religion: The Spiritual Practices of Taiwan’s New Agers
作者 陳家倫
The New Age Movement is seen as a new kind of spiritual quest, one that has obscured or diminished the boundaries between religious organizations, identities, and institutions in many ways. This paper explores the multiplicity and diversity of spirituality practiced by Taiwan's new agers, and it's relation with religion. According to the contents in the interview, I discern five recognition types and four action types among Taiwan's new agers. The five recognition types are typical new age prototype, liberal new age prototype, new age radical type, Buddhist and/or Taoist fusion type, and inclusive fusion type. The four action types are the mobile to static type, the conversion type, and the integration type, in addition to those who have no previous contact with religion as the non-religion type. The empirical evidences show the multiple relationships between new age spirituality and religion. Some of them are dereligion, while others are pro-religion. The multi-facet relationships between new age spirituality and religion is quite accord to the syncretism and selfspirituality of new age practices.
起訖頁 47-85
關鍵詞 新時代運動宗教與靈性反宗教宗教市場個人靈性the New Age Movementreligion and spiritualityanti-religionreligious marketindividual spirituality
刊名 思與言  
期數 201509 (53:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣通靈現象的發展脈絡:當代臺灣本土靈性運動試探
該期刊-下一篇 從宗教團體自治檢討「辦理寺廟登記須知」的問題




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