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Free Trade and Cross-strait Cooperation
作者 江和華張志雄晏揚清
世界貿易環境自GATT 及WTO 等建置後,從降低關稅、促進貿易到形成全球單一市場的過程,兩岸經濟都受深深影響。一方面,中國大陸是全世界最大貿易國;另方面,台灣自古即是貿易樞紐,貿易往往佔GNP 極高比例;因此,兩岸應在新的貿易環境下,共同攜手「賺全世界的錢」。其中,台灣之服務業應與大陸合作,例如台灣具有相對優勢之金融業,未來若能在福建自貿區之基礎上進一步對外輻射,可望帶動兩岸金融合作之全球格局,又如電影產業,兩岸可成立「亞洲版奧斯卡金像獎」等等,以重建華人市場之文化霸權。另外,隨知識產業發展,兩岸應將知識產權或知識生產力置於更重要之戰略地位。其實,知識創新是產業升級與Know how 關鍵,因此兩岸應共同成立「亞洲版諾貝爾獎」以鼓勵尖端基礎研究。另外,WTO 之世界單一市場理念與大陸「一帶一路」世界島構想並不衝突。尤其,「一帶一路」是「騰籠換鳥」政策之具體落實,且當「一帶一路」落實後,將實現自胡錦濤、習近平等領導的「中華民族偉大復興」。然而回顧歷史,中國大陸自1980 年代改革開放以來,台商致力於中國大陸物質建設是有貢獻的,而台灣在這經濟交流與合作也維持經濟成長與穩定。展望未來,「一帶一路」除沿線基礎建設外,兩岸若能共推「文創服務世界化」與「兩岸服務業攜手化」,或將能鞏固與深化「一帶一路」之成果。
After the world economic community established GATT and WTO, China and Taiwan have been under significant impact in the wake of lowering tariff, boosting free trade, and formulating a single global market in the future. China now is the world largest trading state. In contrast, in Taiwan very high percentage of GNP depends on foreign trade. Therefore, new world economic environment should push China and Taiwan to work together and to make economic gain from the world. A good example of cooperation between China and Taiwan is Taiwan’s superior service industry and China’s Free Trade Zone in Fujian. Both sides’ financial cooperation could build up advantageous global economic strategy. Another example is movie industry. China and Taiwan’s cooperation could initiate 'Asian Oscar Movie Award' and rebuild cultural hegemony in world Chinese community. With the important growth of knowledge industry, China and Taiwan should work together to develop knowledge property rights and knowledge productivity as key economic strategy. The reason is knowledge innovations are critical for industry upgrading and new know how. Establishing Asian Nobel Prize by two sides is a good direction in encouraging creative research. WTO’s single market and China’s One Belt One Route’s world island does not have conflict at all. When China’s one belt one route policy reach its goal, 'Great China’s Resurgence' could be anticipated as China’s leaders Hu Jin Tao and Xi Jin Ping named it. Recalling China’s reform and open door policy from 1980, Taiwan’s businessmen contribute a lot for China’s economic development. At the same time, through both sides’ economic exchange and cooperation Taiwan also achieves economic growth and stability. In the future, China and Taiwan could build up 'Globalized cultural innovation' and 'cooperative hand by hand service industry' and further consolidate the goal of One Belt One Route project.
起訖頁 115-126
關鍵詞 兩岸合作服務業一帶一路Both Side' CooperationFTAService IndustryOne Belt One Route
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201605 (12:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 生物晶片市場發展策略之研究
該期刊-下一篇 大專生對7-11滿意度之研究--以崇右技術學院為例




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