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The Study of Market Development Strategy for DNA Chip
作者 張聖如陳國嘉
生物晶片具備精確、快速、大量平行的檢驗功能,以及廣泛應用於多元領域的能力,使各科技先進國家紛紛進入跨世紀的黃金產業,並設入大量資源期盼在此激烈的競爭環境中嶄露頭角。目前,生物晶片是台灣生技業中的明星產業。生物晶片的潛力就如同發展成功的將龐大數量資料微縮數位化成體積相當小的空間使用,生物晶片未來將運用在生命科學並結合IC 的運用,預估擴展適用的範圍非常廣泛,未來的龐大商機也將顯現。因此,本研究採取質性研究,根據個案企業所發展之生物晶片,探討如何進行市場發展策略來創造其競爭優勢。本研究根據產業分析及訪談結果分析,獲致重要結論:台灣能夠培育出具備數理基礎與實驗技術之生化研究人才;依據半導體產業之成熟技術,使得生物晶片產業具備低成本之製造優勢;政府政策之支持,使台灣具備發展生物晶片之競爭優勢;生物晶片研發群落不具有規模經濟效果;強化能提供業者長期研發資金之金融體系;以及鼓勵業者進行合併或策略聯盟,以擴大市場規模,進而達到營運綜效。
DNA chips are equipped with fast, precise, and parallel computational power, and widespread application in a variety of fields. It results in technologically developed countries allocating large amounts of resources into the trending industry in order to gain a competitive edge. Currently, DNA chips industry is one of the star enterprise in Taiwan’s bio-tech industry. The potential of these DNA chips can create endless business opportunities in other fields as well. This research adopts a qualitative study to explore how to develop market strategies to gain its competitive edge using the DNA chips developed by enterprises in our case studies. From industry analysis and interview results, we conclude that Taiwan has the resources and capabilities to develop personnel with computational and lab research backgrounds. The current advances in Taiwan semiconductor industries allow DNA chip industries a low cost manufacturing advantage. The support of government policies will equip Taiwan with competitive advantages to develop DNA chips. By strengthening a long term funding system and encouraging businesses to merge or create an alliance will expand its market share in order to maximize its profits.
起訖頁 99-113
關鍵詞 生物晶片市場市場發展策略DNA ChipMarketMarket Development Strategy
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201605 (12:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 都市化程度與成績差異:以2012年OECD與台灣PISA資料為例
該期刊-下一篇 自由貿易潮流與兩岸合作之未來展望




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