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The Study of Colleage Students to 7-11 Satisfaction - Example for Chungyu Institute of Technology
作者 蕭源都張仁家吳詩婷唐湘麟鍾光硯
現代社會中,人民講求快速以及便利,在這方面,7-11 已經占有極大的市場,7-11提供多樣化的服務,取貨、寄貨、繳費、販售咖啡、霜淇淋、各式生活用品以及食品,某部分7-11 架設停車場以及用餐區,帶給顧客極大的便利性,探討大專生對7-11 滿意度之研究的現況分析、差異性考驗以及提供給業者改進建議,本研究以問卷調查法,採隨機抽樣共發出250 份問卷,有效回收率100.0%,研究主要結論為:零用金方面,在「服務品質」、「促銷方式」及「整體顧客滿意度」構面,「3,501 元以上(含)」大於「2,501元至3,500 元」。科系方面,在「服務品質」構面達顯著水準。研究建議:提供消費滿額贈品以及FACEBOOK 打卡給予優惠
In the modern society, the people stress rapid and convenient, in this aspect, 7-11 have already occupied a tremendous market, 7-11 provide diverse service, take goods, send goods, pay the fee, sell coffee and ice cream , every kind of daily necessities and food, certain part 7-11 install parking lot and dining area, bring the customer the tremendous convenience. Explore into the current conditions analysis of the university student to 7-11 satisfactions, difference test, providing the improvement suggestion to the operator. Adopts a random sampling by questionnaire survey and totally sends out 250 questionnaires, effective recovery rate 100%. The main conclusion: Petty cash, in 'the service quality', 'promote sales the way' and 'total customer's satisfaction' factor, 'above 3,501 dollars' was more than '2,501-3,500 dollars'. The department, in 'the services quality' factor, achieve the significant level. The recommendation : provide to consume to fulfil the quota present and FACEBOOK to beat the card to give a special discount.
起訖頁 127-139
關鍵詞 服務品質促銷方式整體顧客滿意度Service QualityPromotion MethodTotal Customer's Satisfaction
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201605 (12:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 自由貿易潮流與兩岸合作之未來展望




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