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A Study on the Operation of Sub-Groups in the City Council after the Merger of Taichung City and Taichung County (2010-2014)
作者 陳麗雅王業立
The Taichung City Council and Taichung County Council were governed by two contrasting political entities before the merger of the two administrative regions in 2010. Caucus is in effect in the former, while the latter was predominantly run by sub-groups consisting of the red and black factions. However, a watershed moment had been reached as the two regions merged to become a special municipality in 2010. Yet, due to the change in political ambiance, what followed was a series of skirmishes. The pan-blue camp at the end formed the sub-group parallel to the caucus. The most important aim of local factions is always to win public sector positions, extract resources which will then be converted to the resources of their factions, and finally strengthen factions’ power. Maximizing the interests of the faction, after all, is the guiding principle.. Therefore, in this study, how the factions from Taichung County maximize their interests through council sub-groups is explored. Furthermore, this paper studies how factions maximize their interests from three aspects: "the formation of sub-groups," "the interaction between sub- groups and Kuomintang," and "the effect of sub-groups’ operation". In addition, even though "red-and-black co-governance" remains to be apparent in the Taichung City Council after the merge, how factions decide to allocate resources has changed. In the future, resource allocation will be done so to pursue regional balance between the old Taichung City and Taichung County, instead of pursuing a balance between the red and black factions.
起訖頁 51-90
關鍵詞 派系次級團體臺中市議會臺中縣市合併黨團FactionSub-groupThe Taichung City CouncilThe Merger of Taichung City and Taichung CountyCaucus
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201603 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 從德國選舉法修正論我國立委選制改革:聯立制的適用性
該期刊-下一篇 地方產業永續轉型的社會資本與政府效能:屏東縣養水種電個案分析




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