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An Analysis of Taiwan’s Electoral Reform in Terms of German Electoral Law Amendment: The Applicability of Mixed Member Proportional System
作者 蘇子喬許友芳
Ever since Taiwan’s adoption of a Mixed Member Majoritarian system (MMM) for its legislative elections in 2008, the disproportionality between the percentage of votes and actual seats, as well as the marginalization of smaller parties which has resulted from this shift, have been heavily criticized. Those opposing the system even petitioned for a constitutional interpretation which, they hoped, would find the MMM system to be in violation of liberal and democratic principles. Among the proposed solutions, a shift to a German-style Mixed Member Proportional system (MMP) has received the most attention. However, in framing the issue in terms of a clear-cut decision for either MMM or MMP, the debate about electoral reform in Taiwan lacks nuance. In particular, it tends to overlook the challenges which MMP has faced in Germany in the recent past. The problem of overhang seats and the connected problem of negative vote weights, in conjunction with changes in the party system, have all led to greater disproportionality. Bearing these in mind, this paper discusses the question of which electoral system best suits the needs of Taiwan, and concludes that the MMP system is not compatible with the current semi-presidential system of government. In short, it is rather more feasible to have minor reforms on the existing MMM system, instead of switching into the MMP one.
起訖頁 1-49
關鍵詞 單一選區兩票制聯立制並立制選制改革超額議席Mixed SystemMixed-member Proportional SystemMixed-member Majoritarian SystemElectoral ReformOverhang Seat
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201603 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-下一篇 縣市合併後地方議會次級團體之運作:以臺中市議會為例(2010-2014)




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