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Social Capital and Government Effectiveness of the Transformation of Local Industries into Greater Sustainability: The Case of Aqua Solar Farms in Pingtung
作者 汪志忠曾稚尹
永續發展的價值基礎與社會本有當程度的關聯性,本研究針對屏東縣成功引導地方產業脫離永續性困境的「養水種電(The Case of Aqua Solar Farm)」個案,從不同的社會資本要素與類型,透過14位利害關係人(屏東縣政府、廠商與地主)的深度訪談,以及迴歸分析33位地主的量化問卷資料,剖析此一產業永續性轉型個案所呈現的社會資本特性,以及社會資本與政府效能的連結關係。研究結果發現:第一,縣政府與廠商之間是因為共同的永續性目標以及密切的交流與資訊共享,逐漸累積出信任關係普形成夥伴關係,然而廠商與地主之間的信任關係,在計畫初期則是相當薄弱,但是在縣政府積極扮演互動平台的努力下,逐漸建立地主與太陽能廠商之間的信任關係;第二受訪者對於「養水種電」計畫多給予正面評價,也多能肯定屏東縣政府的政府效能,社會資本與政府效能之間的連結關係是存在的;第三,迴歸分析結果顯示社會資本的「信任」與「規範」是政府效能的顯著解釋變數,但是當進一步以社會資本類型區分時,則發現「地主對廠商的信任」、「地主之間的信任」與「地主對屏東縣政府之規範認知」三項社會資本是顯著的解釋變數,其中又以「地主對廠商的信任」變數最具解釋力,最後,本文提出四項治理建議,以作為地方產業永續性轉型的參考,分別是地方首長應有前瞻性治理思維、永續性政策有助於創造社會資本、應實踐新公共服務、應有回應利害關係人的有效作法。
This paper aims to explore the relationship between social capital and local government effectiveness regarding sustainable transformation of local industry. This paper is an analysis of sustainable transformation of the Aqua Solar Farm in Pingtung, Taiwan. The qualitative in-depth interview approach was used and 14 direct stakeholders, ranging from those from the public sector, private sector, as well as local residents, were interviewed to interpret the function of social capital in the transformation process of local industry where policy uncertainty and conflicting roles exist. Three elements (trust, norm, and network) and three types of social capital (bonding, bridging, and linking) were employed to explore the patterns of social capital. In addition, regression analysis was conducted to examine the real relationship between social capital and government effectiveness empirically. Results indicate that a positive and tight social capital was observed among the stakeholders, especially on trust and norm. We also find local government to be helpful in enhancing the accumulation of social capital because it provides a communication platform and acceptable regulations to solve conflicts. In addition, the relationship between social capital and government effectiveness was shown, too. The positive social capital had strengthened the local government effectiveness in this case. Regression analysis also indicates trust and norm being significant variables in explaining government effectiveness. As for the trust variable, we find that the trust of local residents to solar firms is the most explanatory social capital.
起訖頁 91-132
關鍵詞 社會資本政府效能永續性轉型養水種電Social CapitalGovernment EffectivenessSustainable TransformationThe Case of Aqua Solar Farm
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201603 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 縣市合併後地方議會次級團體之運作:以臺中市議會為例(2010-2014)




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