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The Preliminary Study of Constructing the Indicators of City Climate Risk Governance
作者 許耿銘 (Keng-Ming Hsu)
Due to the climatic anomalies, the alternation between flooding and drought usually occur around the world. Because of climate change and other factors, resulting in increased opportunities for risk with countries. Taiwan is a high disaster risk area, climate and environmental change factors will highlight the seriousness of the risk and vulnerability issues. High-density development areas in cities are where is prone to disasters. High degree of uncertainty of climate change, vulnerability factors in large scale disasters and the need of having corresponding ability to prevent and the disposal are all risk factors of climate governance. Therefore, this study is to understand the impact of climate change for the city, hoping to build a system of indicators to allow risk assessments for more specific reference. For lacking of relevant urban climate governance literature in domestic academic, so the main purpose of this study is to learn elements and indicators of climate risk governance from existing relevant literature. Followed by using Delphi method, advisory specialist and the analytic hierarchy process and finally we summarize three dimensions, fourteen secondary elements and thirty-six indicators of urban climate risk governance evaluation system. This indicator system can provide the subsequent research with foundation in "indicator system" aspect which is to consider ideal candidate, value of indicators, verification of indicators and statistics and publications of index data. Moreover, in "coping city climate risk" aspect, we need to focus on improvement of indicators, appropriate management, critical assessment of specific projects, and the degree and scope that indicators affected by environmental structural factors.
起訖頁 203-258
關鍵詞 城市氣候風險風險治理指標德菲法cityclimate riskrisk governanceindicatordelphi
刊名 思與言  
期數 201412 (52:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 省思「一臂之距」:論我國準政府組織的治理與課責
該期刊-下一篇 全球性別暴力治理的臺灣在地回應:以婚姻暴力防治為範疇的探討




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