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Taiwan's Response to the Global Governance of Gender Violence: To Explore the Aspects of Marital Violence Intervention
作者 黃志中張可立謝臥龍
In the late 20th century, global governance swept worldwide in accompany with international organizations and enterprises. The influence of the global governance might be rather dominant as with the legitimization of nation-states' responses to the international agreement. However, skew and incoherent values can be raised as local community responses to the global governance. Global governance of gender violence is rooted in the concern of the violation of women's right. However, gender violence is frequently intersected gender with class, ethnic, religion, culture, etc. Equality of right might compromise equity while only gender is under consideration, instead of the context and the history. Marital violence intervention in Taiwan began from the advocacy of elites and lawmakers under the influence of the global governance. Due to lack of social consensus, the law and associated policies were obviously not bottom-up. Marital violence intervention was successfully legitimized in Taiwan, but with impaired legitimacy.
起訖頁 259-280
關鍵詞 全球治理婚姻暴力父權現代性性別主流化global governancegender mainstreamingmodernitymarital violencepatriarchy
刊名 思與言  
期數 201412 (52:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 城市氣候風險治理評估指標建構之初探




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