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Risk Governance of Techno-science Issues in Democratization of Science: Discussing Technocratic Risk Communication, Public Perception on Risk and Public Mobilization in the Case of Kuokuang Petrochemical Development Projects
作者 李明穎
Technology development is like a knife with two-sided edges. On the one side, technology drives economic development; one the other side, technology brings about a lot of risks at the expense of ecology. In the process of decision-making on techno-science issues, risk communication can endure capability of risk governance of the states. In three waves of democratization of science, 'public engagement in science' is an emerging tendency. Public engagement will result in effects of public mobilization. In Taiwan, one of controversial techno-science issues in recent years is whether Kuokuang petrochemical projects should develop. This study draws such a case to discuss the ways of different actors dealing with risk communication on techno-science issues. This study argued that technocrat deliberately attenuated risks related to local people. However, local people were forced to adopt themselves coexisting with risks. Moreover, this study argued that dissidents made a good use of media and took multilevel actions for public mobilization. Hence, public perception on risk was reconstructed. Ripple effect on social amplification of risk was shown.
起訖頁 111-159
關鍵詞 公眾動員風險溝通風險治理風險感知科學民主化democratization of sciencepublic mobilizationrisk communicationrisk governancerisk perception
刊名 思與言  
期數 201412 (52:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 文化治理的內蘊衝突與政治折衝
該期刊-下一篇 省思「一臂之距」:論我國準政府組織的治理與課責




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