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The Endogenous Conflicts and Political Negotiation in Cultural Governance
作者 王志弘
Cultural strategies are critical for urban and regional development, yet these strategies contain endogenous conflicts which are often overlooked. This author uses the idea of culture governance regime to conceptualize the structural dynamics of cultural development, and outlined these endogenous conflicts: (1) Although the diversity in the definition of culture is good for grafting to the political, economic and social fields of governance, it implies uncertainty and tension. (2) The grafting of culture and politics facilitates hegemony, yet it also induces conflict between order and transgression. (3) The grafting of culture and economy functions as cultural regulation, while it causes a dispute between universalism and particularism. (4) The grafting of culture and the social establishes a hierarchy of distinction, but also induced tension between solidarity and classification. (5) These conflicts imply a contradictory but coexisting structural tendency of civilization and enchantment. Finally, the author discusses the potential solution for these conflicts and finds that there is no simple way to settle them but multiple approaches with different political values.
起訖頁 65-109
關鍵詞 文化治理文化政策衝突文明化奇魅化cultural governancecultural policyconflictcivilizingenchanting
刊名 思與言  
期數 201412 (52:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 戰後臺灣的環境治理進路:一個生態現代化視角的考察
該期刊-下一篇 科學民主化下科技議題的風險治理:探討國光石化廠開發案的科技官僚風險溝通、公眾風險感知與公眾動員




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