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The Evolution of Taiwan's Environmental Governance after World War II: An Ecological Modernization Approach
作者 黃信勳徐世榮
Taiwan, in the pursuit of industrialization and modernization, achieved a remarkable record of economic growth after World War II while facing the predicament of environmental insustainability. With the deterioration of environmental problems as well as the rise in Taiwan's politico-economic reforms since the 1970s, environmental issues were gradually brought into Taiwan's public agenda. Taiwan's environmental governance system has been subsequently constructed, and the idea of "sustainable development" becomes the main environmental discourse. How does the idea take shape in Taiwan? What are the process and the effects of environmental reforms? What would its prospects and limits be? This study attempts to grasp the shifts of Taiwan's environmental governance after WWII, and explores whether or not it could lead Taiwan towards ecological sustainability. Authors employ the theory of "ecological modernization" to analyze Taiwan's development course because of the similarity between the evolution of its environmental governance and what the theory contends, and point out that related changes are mostly confined to technology and institutions in form without reaching to the transformation of political-economic structure and social value.
起訖頁 5-63
關鍵詞 環境治理生態現代化永續發展產業變遷environmental governanceecological modernizationsustainable developmentindustrial evolution
刊名 思與言  
期數 201412 (52:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「治理研究的多元面貌」專號導言
該期刊-下一篇 文化治理的內蘊衝突與政治折衝




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