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On the Characteristics and Deficiencies of Regulations of Part-time Employment in Mainland China
作者 謝德成
The present characteristics of the regulations of part-time employees in mainland China are reflected in such phenomena as the non-systematization in the protection of employees' rights, the loosening of regulations, and the intention of irresponsible direct hire of employees and so on. The main aim of the legislation is not to achieve the systematization in the protection of the rights, but to increase the flexibility of the job and expand the amount of employment. Direct hiring ignores the efficiency of the internal labor market Due to the problems in the relevant legislation, both the full-time and part-time employees' rights and interests are severely distorted. For instance, the singular and rigid standard of working time virtually cannot be applied to the flexible time schedule of part-time work; the non-obligatory guarantee of social security for the part-time employees is against the constitution of equal treatment; the arbitrary termination of the labor contract defies the protection of the employees; no unified standardization can be applied to the overtime work and paid leave. In this paper, the author suggests that the foundation of legislation on part-time employment be based on the characteristics of temporariness, short-term, and seasonality in order to prevent from the abuse of part-time employees. Furthermore, a well-rounded system of overtime payment and paid leave for the part-time employees should be built according to the proportionality principle. Finally the author also puts forward that certain rules and regulations should be established to govern and prevent the avoidance of the employers' responsibilities.
起訖頁 135-164
關鍵詞 非全日制規制放鬆任意終止比例原則part-time employmentloosening of regulationsarbitrary terminationproportionality principle
刊名 思與言  
期數 201306 (51:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 勞務派遣超常發展的「堵」與「疏」
該期刊-下一篇 提倡性別正義之法:定位蘇珊˙歐肯之貢獻




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