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Blockage or Dredge, the Solution towards the Abnormal Development of Labor Dispatch
作者 董保華
The abnormal development of labor dispatch in china has resulted in the discrimination in employment, which triggered the dispute about the existent and abolishment of labor dispatch. One of the mainstream views is that the government should abolish the labor dispatch in an indirect way, such as amending the articles of 'three attributes' and 'equal pay for equal work' in the Labor Contract Law, expanding the scope of administrative power. This idea was the basic idea in 2008, when the Labor Contract Law came into force. However, this idea exactly led to the abnormal development of labor dispatch. As both legislator and law-executor, the departments related hold a contradictory view. On the one hand, they admit the fact of the abnormal development of labor dispatch. On the other hand, they hope to solve this problem by blockage. In fact, the root cause of the abnormal development of labor dispatch is the rigid employment mechanism established by the Labor Contract Law. The government hopes to protect the legal rights of labors by some non-fundamental measures, on the basis of ignoring the market signals. On the contrary, it will promote the development of disguised employment relationship. Only addressing both the symptoms and root causes, can we eliminate the discrimination and put the labor dispatch back on track. Accordingly the employment relations will develop harmoniously.
起訖頁 97-133
關鍵詞 勞務派遣三性規定標本兼治labor dispatchlegal provisions of the three attributes of labor dispatchaddress both the symptoms and root causes
刊名 思與言  
期數 201306 (51:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 我國公部門勞務「外包」之爭議問題研究:以國立體育大學臨時人員(清潔工友)解僱案為引
該期刊-下一篇 非全日制用工法律規制之特點與不足




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