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Intellectual Property High Court of Japan
作者 易濤
Since1990, Japanese economy has been in a state of stagnation, then the government summarized the reason and putted forward the construction of the policy “information age innovation, IP founding”. It was an important content of Japan’s IP in IP reform. Japanese IP High Court was established on April 1, 2005, which unified civil and administrative appeal case, optimizing the resources distribution of judicial review and effective protection of IP rights. IP High Court is not an independent Court, but afifliates to the Tokyo High Court. It is a relatively independent institution and has its own chief judge, independent judges and independent special committee. Japanese IP High Court has its own characteristics: special committee system and collegial system, jurisdiction is divided between technical and non-technical cases. According to the characteristics of Japanese IP High Court and Chinese IP Court in terms of the development of Japanese IP High Court’s mode of Chinese IP court set up and the development of which has certain reference signiifcance.
起訖頁 108-129
關鍵詞 日本知識產權知識產權高等法院案件管轄JapanIPIP High CourtJurisdiction
刊名 科技与法律  
期數 201502 (2015:1期)
出版單位 中國科學技術法學會
該期刊-上一篇 美國聯邦巡回上訴法院特色機制及對我國的借鑒
該期刊-下一篇 探索中的俄羅斯聯邦知識產權法院




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