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Risk-based Policy-making and China's Environmental Governance
作者 蔣一可
‘risk management’ as well as ‘risk-based policy-making’ is an emerging concept within the domain of social governance, which has become increasingly predominant in many Western countries. In responding to governmental issues such as over-regulation, legalism and policy-making irrationality, the mechanisms of risk-based policy-making have preformed as a more efficient and rational tool to formulate and evaluate social policies.Grounded in such a context, this paper has explored the likelihood of introducing the idea of risk-based policy-making to China’s current environmental management system. Its main thesis contends that this sort of toolkit provided by risk-based policy-making may have much potential in improving China’s existing environmental governance, that is, promoting China’s environmental policies in terms of relevant risk management and prevention. In order to take an in-depth research on how risk-based policy-making is being applied in Western societies, this paper has specialised in two risk-based regulatory cases about the UK’s land contamination regulation and the Germany’s flood management. Moreover, this paper has concluded that China’s prospective risk-oriented reforms could be undertaken in respect of the completion of environmental legislation, the rationalization of policy-making mechanism and the enlargement of public participation.
起訖頁 118-152
關鍵詞 風險風險導向型決策環境治理改革RiskRisk-based Policy-makingEnvironmental GovernanceReforms
刊名 科技与法律  
期數 201602 (2016:1期)
出版單位 中國科學技術法學會
該期刊-上一篇 金融隱私權法律保護問題探析
該期刊-下一篇 試論我國專利政策:特徵、問題與改革構想




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